Qu'est ce que le café aux champignons ? - Le Jardin Mycélia

What is mushroom coffee?

Article title : Mushroom Coffee Benefits: Is It Good for You?

Article link : https://health.usnews.com/wellness/food/mushroom-coffee-benefits

Publication : US News by Keri Gans (dietitian) on 03/11/2024

Looking for a healthier, less caffeinated coffee alternative? Discover mushroom coffee! Known to have less caffeine than regular coffee, this mushroom drink also has a range of proposed health benefits - from reducing anxiety to improving immunity - making it rather appealing for those looking for a healthier lifestyle.

Mushroom coffee is made by combining regular ground coffee (or instant coffee) with dried, finely ground mushrooms. This is usually done in a 1 to 1 ratio. The most popular mushrooms used are reishi, chaga, lion's mane and cordyceps. They are all considered medicinal mushrooms - not to be confused with psychedelic or culinary mushrooms like portobello or shitake mushrooms. Medicinal mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine for their nutritional and health benefits.

The taste of mushroom coffee is primarily coffee - not mushrooms at all, although some people might describe the drink as having an earthy or nutty flavor.

Does mushroom coffee have caffeine?

It typically has about half the caffeine of regular coffee. Mushroom powder and coffee are usually combined in equal amounts. Since mushrooms do not contain caffeine, this cuts the caffeine content of the mushroom drink in half compared to regular coffee. However, the exact amount of caffeine can vary by brand and may not be listed on its packaging. On average, the amount of caffeine in mushroom coffee ranges between 50 and 60 milligrams.

Mushroom coffee proponents point to a long list of benefits - from promoting better sleep to decreasing stress, reducing inflammation, strengthening the immune system and maintaining health intestinal.

Mushrooms can, however, cause gastrointestinal upset in those who have kidney or digestive problems so it is best to seek advice from a doctor if you have this type of health problem.

Chaga mushrooms are particularly rich in oxalates. Depending on the level of oxalates in your diet, you may be at greater risk of kidney stones.

Talk to your healthcare professional, as some medicinal mushrooms may interact with certain medications.

Ultimately, mushroom coffee may offer some benefits, but it's important to watch out for added sugar or unhealthy creamer.

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